
Rain, Rain Go Away

Well, the view from my back porch looks a little like this. Notice the rain gushing off the roof...

Big hail (the size of baseballs) is falling from the sky.

My backyard looks like a river.

My house is quiet, and dear ole Will is at softball practice.

What's a girl to do you might ask...

Clean! Since the weather outside is dreary, I decided to tackle the bathroom. It's been long overdue, and I got the itch to check it off the list.

Now, in order to be totally honest, I must show you just what serves as my motivation to clean sometimes. These beauties...

They started out as my "doing the dishes" gloves, but a fork got the best of them, and they are no longer waterproof. Enter their current function of cleaning gloves. They make the job so much more enjoyable, don't you agree?

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